Monday, July 11, 2011

Can I put ceramic tile over carpet adhesive that's half-removed?

My basement flooded, and we're putting new floors down there to fix the damage. To save money before the pros come in and lay down tile, we had to pull up the old floor, which was half vinyl and half glue-down carpet. We ripped everything up but were left with all that glue on the cement. We bought the chemical solvents, spent the entire day scraping up what would come up, but we're left with quite a bit of old carpet glue on that half of the basement. Can the flooring people just mortar over what's left, or do we need to do a more thorough job clearing off that glue (not sure that's possible with the tools we've got, so hoping we're all good). We mopped up all the chemical after we removed the bulk of the scraped-off glue, and we've got a flat, level surface to work with. Just some residual junk on the floor. Is that going to be a problem?

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